Getting Car Insurance for High-Risk Drivers with Suspended Licenses
Driving without a license in Ontario is a legal offense under the Highway Traffic Act . While this law prevents suspended drivers from driving, car insurance is still very important for car owners, even while suspended. In this article, you’ll find out why suspended drivers still need insurance, the mechanics of suspension, and how to get car insurance for high-risk drivers in Ontario . Do I need Car Insurance with a Suspended License? Having at least minimum coverage will keep your car protected, even if you can’t drive due to a suspension. Here are some reasons why you should keep your policy: It keeps your car registered . Renewing a car registration requires proof of insurance. With a suspended license, you’ll need still need the insurance policy as the necessary proof. It helps avoid lapses in coverage . Canceling a policy without a replacement will cause your coverage to lapse. Insurance providers consider this a risk and could raise your rates for several ...